Personal Training

With over 4 years of personal training experience and a POTS diagnosis of her own, Sarah has the knowledge and training you’ve been looking for to help you improve your symptoms, as well as the empathy you need for support along the way. 

  • POTS-Specific

    Appropriate movement practices are extremely important when it comes to the management of POTS symptoms. Together, we will work through our POTS Protocol to help you build your tolerance to exercise and day-to-day activities.

  • General Personal Training

    Whether you're just getting started or are a seasoned athlete, personal training can provide you with structure and accountability in a safe environment.

Personal training services are offered either virtually or in-person in your home depending on the location - please email to discuss whether in person sessions are feasible for you! Currently available in the Phoenix, AZ area only.

Training is $130/hour-long session in person and $100/hour-long session virtually, with packages available at a discounted rate.

Signature POTS Protocol

Signature POTS Protocol

If you suffer from mild to moderate POTS symptoms and are already familiar with common exercises, this option is for you. We’ve compiled all of the latest research to create this well-paced 3-month program to help reduce/alleviate your symptoms through exercise.


  • Introduction on POTS, what equipment you’ll need, answers to FAQs

  • Heart rate training zones

  • Rate of perceived exertion (RPE) scale

  • Warmup and cooldown for cardio and strength training workouts

  • Breakdown of full 3 months of workouts

  • 4 strength training workouts

  • 2 HIIT workouts

  • Symptom tracker

Month 1 goal: Get into a consistent routine and slowly begin adding in cardio.

Month 2 goal: Transition to more upright cardio and shift weight lifting schedule to separate upper and lower body workouts.

Month 3 goal: Transition to fully upright cardio and more intense workouts.

*If you miss a few workouts in a row, repeat the previous week. If you miss more than 1 month of training, please restart the program so that you can accurately track your improvement and not overdo it!

If you’d like more guidance while completing this program, you can either choose the tier 2 (includes videos of each exercise) or tier 3 (includes one-on-one personal training sessions) option.